Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 3 Blog

After last week's class, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a little more about photography basics (I don't learn well in a classroom setting and do better with lots of trial and error and I'm a lot slower at learning than most classes allow for) and I stumbled across a YouTube channel belonging to a vlogger named Peter McKinnon. I found a video of his describing ISO, shutter speed, and aperture like we talked about in class: 

I really liked this video and the way it breaks down each thing and shows multiple examples of each. I found it super helpful in experimenting with my camera over the weekend. 

And one about beginner mistakes:

Which was just kind of interesting and also he started out showing off his plant, and I love plants.

Also, I went to Phipps over the weekend with my boyfriend and my dog and feel like I got some pretty okay shots!

Exposure Assignment

1/30 s - f/5.6 - ISO 800

1/125 s - f/7.1 - ISO 100

1/40 s - f/16 - ISO 125

1/4000 s - f/5.6 - ISO 3200

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Week 2 Blog

After our last class, I decided I should try and figure out the camera I checked out from the school library.

I checked out a Canon Rebel EOS T3, and while that in itself means nothing to me I actually did remember that I had some experience with this type of camera - in high school, I was a teacher's aid for the art teacher and had to photograph art projects for online galleries using a Canon Rebel.

I snapped a few pictures around my apartment that were anything but spectacular and are too blurry and poorly composed for me to share today. I'm really looking forward to learning how to actually use a camera during this week's class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Week 1 Blog

Hi all! My name is Elena and I'm a senior here at RMC.

Honestly, I may be in a little over my head taking this class. My experience with photography is limited to my smartphone and the point and shoot camera I had growing up. My mom, however, loves photography and going out on excursions to get new photos. She's getting hip surgery in a few weeks and will be down for most of this semester, so while she heals up I figured it's time for me to catch up so that we can go shoot!

In anticipation for this class I've tried to do some research regarding being an absolute beginner with a camera. I found this article: and am excited to put actions to tips! Hoping to get a lot from this class and to have fun doing it!


Fall 2020 Final - all edited with Photoshop Express. Taken on a Samsung Galaxy S9 4.3mm - ISO50 - f/2.4 - 1/400s Taken wit...